Spectacular Transformers 5 Action Teased in New Video

The Transformers series is known for its pioneering visual effects and advances in filmmaking technology, and it looks like next year’s Transformers: The Last Knight will no different. A new video showcases the amazing 3D IMAX cameras that have been used to make the movie, and provides a glimpse of what fans can expect when it hits next summer. Check it out below:

Transformers: The Last Knight opens on June 23, 2017. Mark Wahlberg returns from 2014’s Transformers: Age of Extinction and will be joined by Josh Duhamel, Stanley Tucci, and John Goodman.

The film finished shooting in September, and a first trailer is expected soon. So far we know the movie will feature King Arthur, Nazis, Dinobots, and “the world’s loneliest dog,” alongside the usual displays of robotic mayhem.

Paramount will be releasing a new Transformers movie every year until at least 2019. The studio has already announced release dates for the two movies following The Last Knight: Transformers 6 is scheduled to debut on June 8, 2018, while Transformers 7 will follow on June 28, 2019. One of these is expected to be a spinoff film focusing on Bumblebee.

Earlier this year, director Michael Bay confirmed that The Last Knight will be his final movie in the series. “I still have a great time,” he told Rolling Stone. “It’s fun to do a movie that 100 million people will see. But this is the last one. I have to pass the reins to someone else. It’s time to move on.”