Advance Wars-Style Game From Starbound Dev Shown Off in New Screenshot

Starbound developer Chucklefish Games has again shown off a game it’s discussed previously but still not officially announced. The untitled project has been described by Chucklefish CEO and designer Finn Brice as “Advance Wars meets Fire Emblem.”

That’s immediately a very tantalizing prospect, as Intelligent Systems–developer of both the Advance Wars and Fire Emblem series–has done little with the former in recent years. Brice first shared an early image and described the project as one the studio was “considering” last August. Four months later, it appears to still be moving ahead.

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Brice today tweeted (via PC Gamer), “Chucklefish is working on two new games and will continue to support Starbound. Details on the next big Starbound patch not far away.” This came shortly after he sent out a tweet that reads, “Chucklefish back to work!” along with the screenshot of the new game above.

This followed a short video from last month that showed a level being designed and units moving around a map. The similarities to Advance Wars are obvious.

Without any official announcement, we don’t yet know when we might be able to get our hands on this. When he tweeted about it in August, Brice said it was intended for release on PC and would feature online multiplayer. We’ll report back as more about the game is shared.