Battlefield’s campaigns have mostly been set in tight corridors with close-quarters combat, lacking the openness and variety that the multiplayer provides. That doesn’t seem to be the case with Battlefield 1, however, as lead designer Danny Berlin told GameSpot at an event that the campaign “will more accurately reflect Battlefield’s open sandboxes.”
Berlin continued, saying DICE’s World War I game will feature “much more choice and variety than [it’s] done before.” He also said the upcoming Battlefield’s story will be about a multifarious group of people “dealing with the changing world in their own ways,” and it’ll allow players to take various, more open approaches.

There hasn’t been much else revealed about the single-player, but it’s worth noting that Berlin mentioned places like the Italian Alps and the deserts of Arabia when talking about the game’s multiplayer, so it’s possible we may see those locales and more in the campaign.
Additionally, the Battlefield 1 multiplayer will feature newer technology than you think. It continues the Battlefield land-air-and-sea gameplay with swords and battleships, but you’ll also see automatic rifles and tanks.
“There’s this common misconception that World War I was just muskets or something,” Berlin laughed. “But it wasn’t. It was a time of new weapons–bolt-action rifles, automatic rifles, semi-automatic rifles. The freedom we have is massive.”
Players who subscribe to EA and Origin Access on Xbox One and PC will get the chance to play a trial version of Battlefield 1 starting on October 18. The full game releases three days later for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 21.