The Biggest Video Game Spoilers, Ever [WARNING: NOTHING BUT SPOILERS]
There are a lot of games out there with iconic plot twists. For obvious reasons, we don’t usually talk about these twists openly. We don’t want to be that guy that ruins things for everyone. But our usual ‘no spoiler’ rule doesn’t apply here. That’s because that’s all this story is: Spoiler after glorious spoiler…
1990s Anime Bad Guys, From Least To Most Evil
Yes, we’re time-traveling back to the 1990s, and in honor of timeless fun, we’re focusing on the anime villains. We’ve selected 15 of the genre’s most memorable evildoers, and ranked them in ascending order by their commitment to the dark side. As the saying goes, prepare for trouble. The Puppet Master is the clear antagonist…
The Evolution Of Nintendo Consoles
Nintendo started as a humble playing-card company in the late 1800s, but ended up saving the video game industry from a financial crash in the early 1980s. Since then, Nintendo has had an illustrious history and has gone on to become arguably the most important console manufacturer of all time. Let’s take a walk down…
Mass Effect: Andromeda: 12 Things You Missed in the New Trailers
The latest batch of Mass Effect: Andromeda trailers revealed a lot of new details concerning the game’s story, characters, and setting. While you were busy staring in awe at what you can expect from the game, there was an abundance of details you might’ve missed in the trailers. Click ahead to check out all of…
Resident Evil 7 Boss Guide
The Bakers in Resident Evil 7 have a funny way of welcoming you to their family. When they’re not trying to dissect you with chainsaws, they’re shoving you into pits and tormenting you with spiders and flies. You can respond in kind with shotgun blasts and salvos of flame rounds, anything to escape the family’s…
Royal Rumble: Every Confirmed Entrant In The Main Event
The Royal Rumble is coming to the WWE Network and PPV on Sunday, January 29, and the most exciting part of the event is the titular Royal Rumble match. 30 superstars will compete, but who are the confirmed wrestlers for this event? There will obviously be a few surprises along the way, but here are…
See What Hideo Kojima's New Studio Looks Like
Following his departure from Konami, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima established a new studio called Kojima Productions. While it’s common to hear about the people working at studios and the games they’re working on, we rarely get an inside look at the space they create within, even moreso for Japanese companies. However, the Kojima Productions…
Resident Evil 7 Beginner's Guide
Meet The Bakers, your hosts to the Baker plantation and all surrounding areas in Resident Evil 7. They’re happy to have you as a guest and you’re happy to be here because this is one of the best Resident Evil games since the original trilogy. Whether this is your first survival-horror rodeo or you’ve played…
What To Do With Resident Evil 7's Broken Handgun And Model Shotgun
Resident Evil 7 doesn’t revolve around combat, but you’ll encounter enough creepy monsters and psychotic bosses that packing a little extra firepower definitely couldn’t hurt. That’s where the broken handgun and broken shotgun come in. As it turns out, RE7 contains two busted weapons and–not so coincidentally–two weapon repair kits. If you manage to mend…
Resident Evil 7 Antique Coin Guide
As you explore the haunting environments of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, you’ll encounter items called antique coins. While these items appear to serve no purpose other than being collectibles, you can actually use them to purchase three special upgrades. We’ve compiled the locations of all 18 for your convenience. Click ahead to discover how to…