Next Call of Duty 4 Remaster Maps Revealed

Modern Warfare Remastered, the new version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, will include 10 multiplayer maps from the 2007 original. Three of these–Crash, Backlot, and Crossfire–were announced earlier this week. Now, two more have been revealed as part of a new Forbes story.

The two new ones are Bog and Overgrown, according to the report. Activision says all of Modern Warfare Remastered’s 10 maps are “fan-favorites,” and indeed, the five announced so far fit that description. Activision will announce the remaining five maps in the time ahead.

In other news about Modern Warfare Remastered, a newly released graphics comparison video shows off how much the visuals have improved.

Also in the interview, Call of Duty executive Robert Kostich said he is not concerned about the possibility that people may play Modern Warfare Remastered more then Infinite Warfare.

“We’re thrilled they’re going to be playing a lot of Call of Dutythis year,” he said.

Infinity Ward studio head Dave Stohl said the two games each have their own unique appeal.

“If you think about it, basically they scratch two different itches,” Stohl said. “You’re gonna scratch the kind of more nostalgia Modern Warfare itch with the remaster, but all the kinda cool new stuff in Infinite Warfare is really exciting too. Obviously the Infinite Warfare experience is big with all the new bells and whistles, but it’ll be fun to go back to Modern Warfare multiplayer as well.”

Infinite Warfare launches on November 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The only way to get Modern Warfare Remastered is to buy one of the premium versions of Infinite Warfare, which start at $80 and run up to $120.