Quantum Break PC Update Fixes Frame Rate, Adds Quit Button

Quantum Break has already received its Xbox One update, and now the PC version will get its own patch tomorrow, April 30. The patch is expected to fix major issues including the lack of a quit button, the frame rate, and much more.

Two of the more prominent issues were the game’s frame rate not matching a monitor’s refresh rate and the absence of a quit option. With the April 30 update, the frame rate should be fixed, and players should be able to quit the game from the main menu.

Additionally, the update fixes issues that were shared with the Xbox One version. The rare bug that kills progress after completing the game should be fixed, as well as in-game TV screens sometimes appearing grain-y. Players shouldn’t lose their cloud saves any more, either.

Tomorrow’s update also makes adjustments to the game’s acts. Some of the issues fixed include pathing, collison, and audio issues.

Tech outlet Digital Foundry detailed Quantum Break’s multiple issues, and not all of them listed there have been reported as fixed in this update. For example, there’s no mention in the patch notes (listed below) of the game’s option to lock the frame rate at 30 FPS, which initially wasn’t working properly. An issue that revolves around Quantum Break’s stability on Nvidia hardware wasn’t mentioned, either.

Remedy Entertainment PR issued the following statement in a press release:

“Microsoft Studios and Remedy Entertainment are aware of additional issues impacting players’ experience with Quantum Break on Windows 10 and are continuing to work to address them.”

You can check out a full list of the patch notes below:

General PC Fixes / Updates:

  • Fixed a few Unicode issues that prevented some users from launching the game
  • Fixed various keyboard input issues
  • Fixed aspect ratio and full screen scaling for non 16:9 resolutions
  • Enable Alt+Enter to switch between full screen and windowed mode
  • Fixed resolution selection when transitioning from windowed to fullscreen mode
  • Fixed frame timing not matching the refresh rate
  • Fixed options menu items being clickable even if they’re cropped
  • Fixed 1 px gaps sometimes visible in the PC keyboard key callout backgrounds
  • DRM fixes
  • Unlock descriptions for Will Diary 1 and Will Diary 2 are no longer reversed
  • Credits fixes
  • Fixed Jack’s subtitles not showing in some cinematics
  • Remedy logo fix
  • Fix for a rare bug that accidentally wiped progress after completing the game
  • Fixed rare instances of cloud saves failing and causing loss of progress
  • Fixes for making Xbox Live integration more fault-tolerant.
  • Fixed in-game TV screen images which were sometimes grainy
  • Fixed circular progress bar alpha in the junction stats screen
  • Fixed rendering issues in the menus
  • Fixed issue in renderer when initializing participating media
  • Fixed video playback not always ending if the video was synced to audio

Act Fixes/Updates:

  • Act 2 Part 1: Fixed Nick pathing issues
  • Act 2 Part 3: Added collision on time machine corridor to prevent player’s accidentally falling to their death
  • Act 5: Fixed last subtitle going by too quickly to read
  • Act 5: Fixed missing line in Portuguese audio in an Act 5 cinematic